Odor removal products

As a result of our long product development we have launched completely new products to the markets. Basic products are industrially shaped and big units are welded from PE-plastic. From OdourMikko- solutions you can find both naturally aspirated models and models with a fan. Carbon mass is always selected by the target and it’s easy to change when its’ absorption area is filled up with compounds. Air mass can be processed always up to 200 000 m³⁄h.

OdourMikko Free

- Ventilation of the containers and waste water pumping stations
- Outlet wells
- Buildings’ ventilation pipes


- Ventilation of the containers and waste water pumping stations
- Outlet wells which require under pressure to lead air out controlled
- Sludge treatment at the purification plants, sludge thickener and other environments

We want to guarantee a reliable service to our clients. Thanks to our long experience we can provide our products with reliability guarantee.

Contact us, we want to help you!

Call us +358 400 779 515